Terms of service
confirmation, cancellation/missed appointments
COR will contact you before your scheduled appointment to confirm.
Emergencies happen. Therefore, each client receives one grace pass per calendar year to reschedule without penalty.
Cancellations received with less than 24 hour notice or no show will be charged a $100 fee. Repeated cancellations will result in a disruption of service.
The session begins at the scheduled time, regardless if the client is delayed.
The client recognizes that entering into this service with a Organizer means that Organizer may be in contact with personal items and information. The Organizer agrees not to divulge any of this information and to maintain confidentiality and respect for the Client's possessions and home.
fees and payments
"One Hour" of work is defined as one man hour. When multiple organizers are present, each hour worked by each organizer will count toward the hours worked. Full payment is due at the end of each calendar day unless prepaid through the purchase of a package.
photo release
Client releases all rights to before and after photos, to be used in COR publication's. The client's name and personal information will not be linked to the photo in any way.
Process Ownership
Regarding the purging, sorting and organizing of item's, the client maintains process ownership. The final decision on whether to purge or donate a item rests on you.
Project Outcomes
Project outcomes depend on the Client's willingness to purge and donate when needed and to properly organize and maintain items. Long term maintenance of organization hinges on the Client's commitment to maintaining order, and quantity of items in the space. This will take commitment.
Supplies and Shopping Assistance
COR will either make suggestions about what supplies should be purchased and the client will do the shopping OR per the client's request COR will shop and purchase the supplies, making certain they are delivered to the client's location.
Client's are responsible to pay for all agreed upon supplies (file folders, labels,labeling tape,containers etc) necessary for the completion of the project and the fee for shopping. The standard hourly rate will apply for all shopping. Receipts for funds spent on the client's behalf will presented to the client within 14 days of receipt.